TeamUp Delegation @ SCI Conference

TeamUp is a CULCON-inspired campaign that cultivates partnerships between U.S. and Japanese colleges and universities with the goal of boosting student mobility in both directions. A TeamUp delegation attended the Sister Cities International (SCI) annual conference in Houston on July 17-20. Two successful small-sized city-pairs proposed programs aimed at boosting student mobility through a collaboration between TeamUp and SCI. The SCI conference was an opportunity to work together, engage in SCI activities and network. Winning proposals included Hot Springs, Arkansas/Hanamaki, Japan, who will be exchanging students for the first time between their city universities – Fuji University and National Park College.  Tyler, Texas and Yachiyo, Japan will expand their Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) Program (modeled on the JET Program) to include a mirror component, Japanese teachers visiting Tyler schools. Stay tuned for progress from both city pairs.

Teresa Kennedy (Tyler) and Miho Kobayashi (Yachiyo) participate in the Youth Leadership Summit associated with the SCI annual conference.
The delegates met with some SCI superstars, including Shin Koyamada.
Here is the delegation with Roger-Mark Desouza, President of SCI.
Yoshinori Nakayama (Hanamaki) and Darlene Gentles (Hot Springs, Arkansas) meet Assistant Secretary of ECA, Marie Royce.
Delegates pictured with Consul General of Japan Fukushima.
The city-pair delegates had time for strategic planning of their programs.

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