Conference on Cultural and Educational Interchange (CULCON) > News/Blog > News > A Monument to All Our Sins: An American in Hiroshima~August Installment of World Wise Now Avaliable

A Monument to All Our Sins: An American in Hiroshima~August Installment of World Wise Now Avaliable

The 6th installment of U.S. CULCON’s World Wise: Study Abroad Blog is now available!

All over the world, there are advocates for the abolishment of nuclear weapons, but they all look to Hiroshima to lead the charge. For these citizens are the ones who must live widustin-picth actual memories of an atomic bombing. They are the ones who have the first-hand accounts and can truly describe what it feels like to lose a loved one to nuclear weapons. Reflecting on this notion in my room, I was truly thankful that the people of the city could share their experiences with me.Though it wasn’t always easy to swallow all the emotional turmoil that went with this visit, I left Hiroshima better person. To this day it will remain one of the highlights of not only this trip, but of my entire life. To Hiroshima, I left a prayer, but to me, it left something even more profound. To me, it left the strength and resolve necessary to pursue a peace: a peace it was robbed of: a peace that needs pursuit: a peace that is the right of every man, woman, and child in existence today.”

Click Here to read more about the study abroad experience and reflections of Dustin Nguyen, Bridging Scholar.

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