On May 27, 2015 Ambassador Caroline Kennedy unveiled the TeamUp RoadMap in a plenary session address at the NAFSA conference in Boston. As the concern about the low level of student mobility between the United States and Japan continues, Ambassador Kennedy emphasized tailoring support for the different needs of today’s students. Strategic partnerships between institutions are particularly well-suited to address the variety of needs.
The TeamUp RoadMap is a web-based comprehensive guide developed by a binational team to promote student mobility of American and Japanese students through strategic institutional partnerships. The campaign is a CULCON-inspired project of the U.S.-Japan Bridging Foundation with generous support of the U.S. Embassy, Tokyo. The campaign encourages and builds connections between American and Japanese institutions to foster relationships and mutual benefits in the long term.
NAFSA (Association of International Educators) is a national association dedicated to bringing together educators and professionals to promote international educational exchange. Approximately 5,000 international educators attended the ambassador’s speech. A part of the Ambassador’s speech can be found at here (United States Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy at NAFSA 2015)