On September 27, 2015, the U.S. Secretariat organized a Seminar that involved U.S. and Japanese CULCON panel members as well as a select group of distinguished thought leaders of the U.S.-Japan community. The purpose of the Seminar was to discuss the U.S.-Japan relationship from various perspectives, identify areas of concern, and explore ways that CULCON can have the greatest impact. It was meant as preparation for discussions at CULCON XXVII on future topics as well as a way of engaging a select group of approximately 30 invited Japan specialists.
The seminar, “The U.S. – Japan Partnership: The Next 70 Years,”on September 27, 2015 was hosted at the Cosmos Club in Washington, DC.
U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro, co-chair of the U.S. – Japan Caucus, delivered the keynote remarks on the U.S. – Japan relationship and the importance of educational exchange, saying he supports, “the work of CULCON and is committed support humanitarian, political and scientific exchanges so we can work together to strengthen and improve the world.”
In his role as co-chair of the U.S. – Japan Caucus, Congressman Castro recently visited Japan, where discussion focused on energy, security, and economic development. He highlighted the importance of business relationships with Japanese companies in his home jurisdiction and reported how innovative approaches have resulted in partnerships that are “integrated into the fabric of the community.”
The Seminar featured two panels. The first panel focused on passing the torch to a new generation of U.S. – Japan experts. Today, younger generations in both countries are more familiar with each other’s culture than in past generations as a result of mass media, social media and the global economy.
A second panel addressed diversity in education and identifying and broadening the type of issues covered in the U.S. – Japan dialogue.
Agenda CULCON Seminar English FINAL
CULCON Seminar Panel 1 Summary
CULCON Seminar Panel 2 Summary
CULCON Seminar Luncheon Session Summary