01:15:59 U.S. CULCON: are you able to hear Peggy? 01:17:43 Hayley Hutchison (JCIE/USA): Reacted to "are you able to hear..." with πŸ‘ 01:23:04 Trevor A. Dawes - U. Delaware: Although I prefer in-person connections, I certainly appreciate the hybrid option, especially as I could not travel to DC today. 01:25:57 Cynthia Teniente-Matson SJSU (She/Her/Ella): I prefer in person engagement, as well, for the value of exchange. But for purposes like this 1/2 day meeting, hybrid works. We have to be intentional in design of events/activities so that everyone is included. Hybrid allows us to expand our reach in ways that we can continue to leverage. 01:28:57 Hayley Hutchison (JCIE/USA): If it wasn't for remote or hybrid options, I would not have been able to obtain my position at the Japan Center for International Exchange (office in NYC). Being able to work with colleagues in New York while in DC is very beneficial because we can meet with more partners in person in both NY and DC, and we can also meet virtually with partners in Europe and Japan regularly or host events in hybrid form to allow for the in person interaction without excluding people from the discussion (I felt before more hybrid/virtual work, a lot of events and conferences were in-person only and not accessible to people who could not travel) 01:34:22 Cynthia Teniente-Matson SJSU (She/Her/Ella): Also regional collaborations and engagements. 01:36:04 Mary Alice Haddad: My internet is unstable, so I’m not speaking. I’d like to underscore the accessibility point made earlier. Not only was the simultaneous translation of our last CULCON meeting the best I’ve ever experienced, but I have a Deaf colleague and arranging for interpretation is *much* easer for a zoom meeting than one that is in person. 01:38:51 Tom Mason: Welcome, Jake! 01:38:55 Jessyca Livingston (USJETAA): Although it's helpful information to get a general feel of what each organization is working on independently, it would be great to have a system to learn about programs, events and projects that organizations are planning on executing so that we can reach out to share resources, lessons learned or partner if appropriate. This is especially true for virtually produced programs that can be accessed nationally. 01:40:32 Hayley Hutchison (JCIE/USA): Agreed, it would be great to have an understanding what people are planning to find opportunities for collaboration (such as things on specific topics like global health, democracy, etc) 01:40:51 Cynthia Teniente-Matson SJSU (She/Her/Ella): I love the idea of regional collaboration and also a common annual calendar that prompts awareness and engagement. 01:44:57 Jody Dixon: Reacted to "I love the idea of r..." with πŸ‘ 01:45:08 Jody Dixon: Reacted to "Agreed, it would be ..." with πŸ‘ 01:45:31 Hayley Hutchison (JCIE/USA): Reacted to "I love the idea of r..." with πŸ‘ 01:46:08 Tom Mason: Very pleased to share these stats from our 2023 Bridging scholarship cohort to be announced in the coming weeks: 69% of participants identify as Black/African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, or Native American 56% are from underrepresented minorities in Japan study abroad (Black/African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Hispanic/Latino) 01:51:10 Jessyca Livingston (USJETAA): This is great, Tom! 01:56:49 Hayley Hutchison (JCIE/USA): Reacted to "Very pleased to shar..." with πŸ‘ 01:57:10 Stephen McHugh (he/him): More info about the community exchange on aging mentioned by Kazuyo: https://www.jcie.org/programs/healthy-aging/us-japan-aging/1st-us-japan-aging-exchange/ 02:23:26 Mary Alice Haddad: If you’re willing to contribute ideas, I’d love to hear from you: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15nn_h1vfHdXGrCeLjt8IlPX2O5dsiwB67Fql_ap2BTA/edit 02:23:26 Trevor A. Dawes - U. Delaware: Thanks all. Great to be here (virtually). 02:23:32 Kathryn Ibata-Arens: Thank you Paige and everyone! 02:23:44 Mary Alice Haddad: Thank you Paige, Bill, and everyone! 02:24:21 Susan Schmidt (AATJ): Thank you for a great meeting! I second the request to share Chat 02:24:25 Hayley Hutchison (JCIE/USA): Thanks so much all! Thank you for the opportunity to attend virtually. 02:24:50 Miki Nakao: Thank you and was so glad to join! (Virtually)